The 62nd Annual Kampuchea Krom Loss Memorial Buddhist Service to honor heroic Khmer Buddhist Monks, heroic Monarchs, Heroes, Heroines, heroic Servicemen and Servicewomen and fallen Compatriots and commemorate June 4, 1949 the day colonial France ceded Kampuchea Krom to colonial Vietnam (June 4, 1949 - June 4, 2011)

Left: Heroic Buddhist Patriarch Most Ven. Ganda Dhammo Kim Toc Chon; center: Khmer hero Oknha Son Kuy; right:Heroic Buddhist Patriarch Most Ven. Dhamma Viriyo Kim Sang, and many more not listed here.

The 62nd Annual Kampuchea Krom Loss Memorial Buddhist Service occurs on June 4, 2011 marking the darkest period in the history of the Khmer nation, where colonial France ceded Khmer Kampuchea Krom territory to colonial Vietnam to continue colonizing her until today. Since that time Kampuchea Krom territory has been carpeted with flesh and blood of Khmer men and women in an ongoing struggle to preserve the Khmer race, religion, art, culture, literature, language, and a magnificent tradition.

In order for Khmers to remember their history and express their respect and know the bravery of their heroes, the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community around the world annually organizes a Buddhist Offering Ceremony to 1,949 Buddhist Monks since the new millennium (2000) to commemorate the day colonial France gives Khmer territory to Vietnam and to honor the heroic Buddhist monks, heroic monarchs, heroes, heroines, war heroes and heroines, and fallen armed forces personnel.

In order to organize a successful historic ceremony as in past years, the organizing committee would like to appeal to Your Venerable, Buddhist monks, you and compatriots to please give your support by making your contribution, in any forms and money, in according to your generosity.

Your support and participation as well as our compatriots are profound gestures of respect and gratitude upon our heroic Khmer Buddhist monks, heroic monarchs, heroes, heroines, brave servicemen and women and fallen compatriots.

A highest representative of His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, will preside over the ceremony on June 4, 2011 commencing at 7:00AM to 11:30AM at a public garden in front of Wat Botumvatei in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.

The Organizing Committee would like to express our appreciation to Your Venerable, you and compatriots for your patriotism and donations. May you achieve the four blessings of the historic Lord Buddha: Longevity, Brightness, Healthiness and Strength…infinitely.


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